Do You Have A Personal Relationship With Our Lord And Saviour, Jesus Christ Or With Your Church Building/Denomination/Pastor/G.O.?
1. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS? But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but...
Prophecy Concerning Apostate Christianity By Our Lord And Saviour
HEAR THE LORD'S WORD TO HIS CHILDREN TRAPPED IN APOSTATE CHISTIANITY ("Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place--Matt 24:34). This generation mentioned in Matt 24:34 is the 21st century Christianity. Christ...
Become A Follower Of Christ
1.1 WHO IS A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the...
The Cross of Christ
INTRODUCTION The Cross of Christ is what divides the world and the Kingdom of God. It separates life from death and determines the fate of those who will inherit eternal life in Christ Jesus. The Cross of Christ is a place of death, where Sin, sins, ego, selfish...
It Is All About Jesus (It Is Not About Our Desires)
A. TIME TO STOP BLAMING CHURCH LEADERS, PREACHERS AND PASTORS We know, or ought to know, the following: 1. Many of those we call pastors and church leaders in our generation have departed from the truth just like those false prophets in the Old Testament (OT). Many of...
Time For The Young Generation To Reclaim The Gospel Of Christ
1. PREAMBLE One person asked the following in the comment section of our last article, "My Generation Failed You," How do the new and pure Christians take control? How do they fellowship? How do they know themselves? I believe the Holy Spirit spoke through him. While...
My Generation Failed You
MY GENERATION FAILED YOU This article is directed to Bible-Believing-Practicing-Christians, especially the younger ones, in Nigeria (my country of birth). However, believers in other lands can learn from it and do a course correction. We whine a lot: Why is God not...
Why The Holy Spirit Is Not Present In Most Of Our Church Services And Ministries
1.0 WE HAVE A PROBLEM We have a problem. Have you tuned into any local television station, especially on Sundays, and or visited in search of uplifting Christian messages recently? If you have, you will understand and appreciate where I am coming from. If...
We Are In Dangerous Times
The Jewish religious establishment (the High priest, Priests, Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees) condemned rather than commend Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for His good works like the healing of the man who had been sick for 38 years (John 5:3-9). From the moment of...
Victory Is Through Obedience
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:31-32 NKJV). Many Christians running from pillar to post looking for miracles and wealth...
What Is The Mission Of The Church: Conquer The World Or Preach The Gospel Of Jesus Christ?
One can say when judged by their actions and utterances that many 21st century Christian churches believe that the Church has a mandate to take over the world. Actually, this thought of taking over the world was there from the beginning. Then, it was muted. And those with such thoughts kept them to themselves except on that one occasion when they couldn’t help but voice it.
Merchandizing Of God’s Grace: The Doctrine Of Sowing Seed/Sowing And Reaping
Let me start by saying that all Christians (stewards, believers, church goers, etc) have presuppositions and pre-understandings that are not biblically based. We are all products of our environment (family, tribe, nation, race, country and church denominations). Even...
Is The Church Really Prepared For The Anti-Christ? (Part 1)
PART 1: IS THERE REALLY A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE 21ST CENTURY CHURCH AND THE WORLD? I greet you in the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior. May the Holy Spirit guide and empower you as you read, in Jesus Name. Amen. Before you proceed, kindly note that...
Is The Church Really Prepared For The Anti-Christ? (Part 2)
THE RISE AND DECLINE OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE 1. THE RISE OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE The first world war (1914-1918) ended the Ottoman Empire and the second world war (1939-1945) ended the British Empire. From the ashes of those two empires arose the American Empire. The US...
Is The Church Really Prepared For The Anti-Christ? (Part 3)
THE ANTICHRIST WILL SOON MAKE HIS PLAY The world as we know it has been irrevocably changed. In the new world order, the American Empire will be competing fiercely with the Russian and Chinese empires in all spheres. This new world order will be very unstable. The...
Tithes And Offerings In The New Testament Church: Right And Wrong Teachings
TITHES AND OFFERINGS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH: RIGHT AND WRONG TEACHINGS 1. INTRODUCTION Most modern preachers tend to emphasize miracles more than the Miracle worker, gifts more than the Giver of life, prosperity more than righteousness, church attendance more...
World Issues
WORLD ISSUES God upholds the world with His hands, protecting both the sinner and the saint. Though sin is grave in his sight, God gives the sinner time to repent since it is His desire that all men should repent and come into the knowledge of the truth.Occasionally...
The Minister And Counterfeit Christianity
INTRODUCTION The spirit of the antichrist is active, in fact, more active than at any time in human history. Man is being encouraged in nearly every area of life to believe that his potential comes from within himself and that he can develop himself to whatever level...
The Christian Message
TWO TREES IN EDEN When God created man, in His image and likeness, He gave him dominion over the whole earth. God also planted beautiful trees in the garden of Eden which produced pleasant fruits. Two trees were specifically mentioned - the tree of knowledge of good...