Jul 22, 2019 | Podcasts
Weeds (worldly prosperity messages) sown by Satan after the greatest revival (1906 Azusa Street Revival) since the first Pentecost have grown into shrubs (prosperity doctrines being promoted by leaders of the counterfeit Pentecostal Movement), disturbing the good seed...
Jun 27, 2019 | Podcasts
In this podcast, you will learn to differentiate between Biblical faith and fake faith. Those with fake faith see God as a servant while those with biblical faith believe in the sovereignty of God and therefore always pray for God’s will to come to pass on earth...
Apr 30, 2019 | Podcasts
Whoever desires to inherit eternal life must listen to this podcast. Satan is holding billions of human beings captive. And most don’t know it. Find out how you and your beloved ones can escape by listening to this timely podcast. Download File...
Apr 28, 2019 | Podcasts
Whoever desires to inherit eternal life must listen to this podcast. Satan is holding billions of human beings captive. And most don’t know it. Find out how you and your beloved ones can escape by listening to this timely podcast. Download File...
Mar 7, 2019 | Podcasts
Children of God (John 1:12-13) listening and believing worldly prosperity messages have itching ears (2Tim 4:3-4). The Holy Spirit indwelling a child of God is the only true Teacher; and we know He uses His word to teach us. We encourage you to listen to this podcast...
Feb 15, 2019 | Podcasts
In this podcast you will learn how followers of Christ in Nigeria have been led astray by their greed and their leaders. Pastors and General Overseers have been taking sides in the fight that has been going on in the kingdom of the world (Nigerian elections) since the...
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