Ep. 7 – Beware the Yeast of the Pharisees

Ep. 7 – Beware the Yeast of the Pharisees

The Lord Jesus Christ warned His disciples to beware of the leaven (yeast) of the Pharisees (Interpreters of the Law). That same warning still applies today: Beware of the yeast (doctrines) of the pastors and general overseers (self-styled interpreters of the Bible)...
Ep. 6 – Telling God’s Story

Ep. 6 – Telling God’s Story

In this podcast, Brother Ihejirika talks about how important it is for believers to know the God they serve through a life dedicated to a meditative study of the Scriptures. This will attune their spiritual hearts and ears to recognise and know the voice of their...
Ep. 5 – Untangling from The World

Ep. 5 – Untangling from The World

Many believers do not understand that friendship with the world is enmity with God. There are only two kingdoms—The Kingdom of God and The Kingdom of Darkness. The unregenerate world is part of the Kingdom of Darkness while the regenerated world (Blood-...
Ep. 4 – Radical Commitment Leads to Radical Obedience

Ep. 4 – Radical Commitment Leads to Radical Obedience

You want to serve and obey God. But, oftentimes, you fall short. Have you considered that you may have been failing because you have not fully committed to God? It is not possible to radically obey God unless you are radically committed to Him. In this podcast, you...
Ep. 3 – Being Reflective and Prayerful

Ep. 3 – Being Reflective and Prayerful

Millions, maybe even billions, claim to be Christians. In this podcast you will understand why most are being led astray: Aaron was left to lead God’s chosen nation while Moses went to meet God at the top of the mountain. Pressured, Aaron built a golden calf and...