Christ for the world


…that the LORD Jesus Christ may take His rightful place in the hearts of the people He purchased with His own precious blood.

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in the Word of God.

Do You Have A Personal Relationship With Our Lord And Saviour, Jesus Christ Or With Your Church Building/Denomination/Pastor/G.O.?

1. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HAVE A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS? But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those...

Prophecy Concerning Apostate Christianity By Our Lord And Saviour

HEAR THE LORD'S WORD TO HIS CHILDREN TRAPPED IN APOSTATE CHISTIANITY ("Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these...

Become A Follower Of Christ

1.1 WHO IS A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy...

The Cross of Christ

INTRODUCTION The Cross of Christ is what divides the world and the Kingdom of God. It separates life from death and determines the fate of those who will...

It Is All About Jesus (It Is Not About Our Desires)

A. TIME TO STOP BLAMING CHURCH LEADERS, PREACHERS AND PASTORS We know, or ought to know, the following: 1. Many of those we call pastors and church leaders in...


About Us


That the Lord Jesus Christ may take his rightful place in the hearts of the people he purchased with His own precious blood.


  • Inspire a new army of true disciples to take the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the whole world.
  • Simplify the salvation message and provide answers to those seeking.
  • Empower saints with life-changing messages.
  • Contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.


Core Beliefs

  • The inerrancy of the Scriptures
  • Salvation message is free; you cannot purchase it by giving money to your church or ministry. The ministry operates on the Biblical injunction of the Lord Jesus Christ:

    “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (Matt 10:8).

    A cross-less Christianity is a Christ-less Christianity. Christ’s death on the cross is the saving power that turns a sinner to a saint.

About Us


Message Summary • True Salvation • The Cross • About The Books By Bro. Ikechi P. Ihejirika

Message Summary

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

The saint must daily answer the question, ‘What would Christ have me do in this situation?” God’s power indwelling you reveals His will at that moment and the saint happily continues on his or her daily walk.

True Salvation

We in the Worldwide Evangelical Ministry will serve you at no cost to you now or in the future. The Lord Jesus Christ raised the ministry on this basis and we His messengers cannot go contrary to the just demands of the Shepherd that we minister life to a dying world without charge. Our messages reveal God’s transformational power, which turns the most hardened sinner into the most saintly person. They also reveal the enabling power of God for the saint to stay the course in his or her Christian journey. We are committed to answering your questions and praying along with you.

True Salvation is:

  • Death-trouncing
  • Life-changing
  • Peace-giving
  • Faith-based

The Cross

A cross-less Christianity is a Christ-less Christianity. Christ’s death on the cross is the saving power that turns a sinner to a saint. Many contemporary messages have removed both the sting and the offense of the cross. Yet the cross fundamentally separates sinner from saint.

The Lord God grants mercy to whosoever calls on His Name. All a sinner has to do to become God’s child is to fall on his or her feet in repentance and accept the finished works of Christ on the cross. It is only at that point of surrender that the new man or the new woman – now called saint – receives the divine power to run and finish the race. He or she receives also peace that surpasseth all understanding.

The saint’s cross is submitting to the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ. And it is not burdensome to be under the rule of the the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

About Bro. Ikechi P. Ihejirika, Coordinator of Worldwide Evangelical Ministry


Ikechi P. Ihejirika, author, preacher, and teacher of the word, is the Coordinator of Worldwide Evangelical Ministry. The word to start the Worldwide Evangelical Ministry came to him in 1992. Though he calls both Toronto, Canada, and Lagos, Nigeria, home, the former oil executive with a Master of Divinity degree from Tyndale University College and Seminary has at one time or another called cities in other countries around the world home. Married and blessed with five children and eight grandchildren, the 2012 recipient of Tyndale Seminary’s Dr. Ross and Carol Bailey Theology Award has for many years been calling churches to go back to the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.



The Threat of Darkness: Counterfeit Christianity Exposed, published in 1997, traced church history and exposed how the mustard seed of apostasy planted many centuries ago by the arch deceiver, Satan, had become fully-grown. The book is a must-read for all those seeking to understand why many believers (church leaders and elders included) have embraced practices and doctrines that are at variance with the Scriptures (i.e. display of demonic powers and greed-based messages).


Oily Waters was published in 2003. The book is a fictional historical reconstruct of events in Africa, Europe and the Americas. Its aim was to prick consciences of Christains in the western world, prod them to call their governments to halt their support for dicators and to put pressure on multinational conglomerates to stop exploiting Africa. The book contends that wars, famines, and diseases will continue to plague Africa unless western governments rein in their greedy multinational entities and stop their overt and covert support of African military dictators and civilians, most of them agents of the MI6 and or the CIA.

Countdown to Eternity, published in 2007, is a tale about God’s soldiers, immersed in the Blood of the Lamb, wrestling the kingdom of darkness to preach, ‘Christ crucified and resurrected,’ to a skeptical dying world hooked on the gospel of ‘easy believism,’ mammon, witchcraft, eastern occult, transcendental meditations and illusion.

This breathtaking and inspiring story, spanning the ages, show hunted and hounded Christians led by God’s soldiers holding fast to their faith in an increasingly faithless and hostile world even as they professed that they have a continuing city, a city without foundations whose maker is God. Challenging a world thrown into disequilibrium by the antichrist, saints battle hardships, torture and death on their march into Christ’s millennial kingdom. With their faith reverberating in eternity, the whole of creation witnessed the shining smile, more brilliant than a million suns at their most intense, on the face of God’s Son.

The latest book, Stewards of the Kingdom, was published in 2013. The book reminds Christians that first-century followers of Christ (representatives of the Kingdom of God on earth) lived in accordance with what they preached.

The book takes away the grey, brings clarity, exposes centuries’ old conspiracies and lies, and calls on followers of Christ (Kingdom representatives) to rise up and take back their stolen Kingdom.


Activities of Worldwide Evangelical

Ministry in Nigeria

Worldwide Evangelical Ministry has been engaged in the following in Nigeria:

  • Printing and distributing free of charge books for kingdom work.
  • Organizing seminars with the aim of empowering saints to take back their stolen Kingdom.
About Us


Become A Follower Of Christ

Become A Follower Of Christ

1.1 WHO IS A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the...

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The Cross of Christ

The Cross of Christ

INTRODUCTION The Cross of Christ is what divides the world and the Kingdom of God. It separates life from death and determines the fate of those who will inherit eternal life in Christ Jesus. The Cross of Christ is a place of death, where Sin, sins, ego, selfish...

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It Is All About Jesus (It Is Not About Our Desires)

It Is All About Jesus (It Is Not About Our Desires)

A. TIME TO STOP BLAMING CHURCH LEADERS, PREACHERS AND PASTORS We know, or ought to know, the following: 1. Many of those we call pastors and church leaders in our generation have departed from the truth just like those false prophets in the Old Testament (OT). Many of...

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My Generation Failed You

My Generation Failed You

MY GENERATION FAILED YOU This article is directed to Bible-Believing-Practicing-Christians, especially the younger ones, in Nigeria (my country of birth). However, believers in other lands can learn from it and do a course correction. We whine a lot: Why is God not...

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We Are In Dangerous Times

We Are In Dangerous Times

The Jewish religious establishment (the High priest, Priests, Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees) condemned rather than commend Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for His good works like the healing of the man who had been sick for 38 years (John 5:3-9). From the moment of...

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For Ministers

For Ministers


The spirit of the antichrist is active, in fact, more active than at any time in human history. Man is being encouraged in nearly every area of life to believe that his potential comes from within himself and that he can develop himself to whatever level he desires. This development can involve his spirit, soul and body.

Become A Disciple

The Trees In Eden

When God created man, in His image and likeness, He gave him dominion over the whole earth. God also planted beautiful trees in the garden of Eden which produced pleasant fruits. Two trees were specifically mentioned – the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life:

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World Issues

WorldEvangel Commentary

World Issue

God upholds the world with His hands, protecting both the sinner and the saint. Though sin is grave in his sight, God gives the sinner time to repent since it is His desire that all men should repent and come into the knowledge of the truth.Occasionally God does remove His protective shield on the world, nations, and individuals, because of sin.


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