


The Person Of The Holy Spirit

Classical thought paved the way to our understanding of God as Father, Son and Spirit who, “in their eternal mutuality of love constitute what we mean by the word ‘God.'”(Leslie Newbigin, Proper Confidence, 2)

The Book of Jeremiah: Application To Our Context

I shall use the Book of Jeremiah to demonstrate that though the time and context of Jeremiah may be different from our time and context, nothing has really changed no matter where we are in the world today. The behavior, and irreverence to the things of God, by many in leadership positions (overseers, pastors, elders, etc.) in most Christian churches and ministries can be likened to those of the rulers (kings, prophets, teachers, priests) of Judah.

It Is Not About The Number: It Is All About Jesus And How Radically Committed We Are To Him

I welcome you to this seminar in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am convinced that you are not here today because you read the pamphlet or the book, Stewards of the Kingdom. I believe that you are here because the Lord led you here. Your journey to this place did not start with the pamphlet. You have been dissatisfied for some time now, a dissatisfaction stemming from seeing how the gospel of our Lord and Savior is being mutilated and merchandized.