Those profiting from the anomie created by hierarchical Christianity want you and I to be afraid. They don't want their followers to read the Bible. They want them to believe in their human created doctrines that contradict those in the Bible. These pretenders (wolves in sheep's clothing) have so indoctrinated their followers that they have become impervious to the truth. In effect, followers of false pastors and general overseers see those contending for the gospel of Christ as enemies. Many pastors and general overseers take pride in being introduced as men of God or women of God in gatherings as if those who have come to listen to them are not (Please note that whoever is truly born again is a man or woman of God). They love to see their followers kneel before them as they greet. Followers of false teachers, pastors and general overseer see them as more than mere human beings. They dare not call them by their names; they think it would be blasphemous to call them by their names. Hence we often hear Daddy this or Mummy that or Daddy GO or great Mummy, etc. False pastors and their followers often quote, "Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm" (Psa 105:15) to gag anyone who tries to challenge their unbiblical doctrines and practices. For understanding, please read Psalm 105:1-15 and you will see that they have taken that quotation out of context.