Weeds (worldly prosperity messages) sown by Satan after the greatest revival (1906 Azusa Street Revival) since the first Pentecost have grown into shrubs (prosperity doctrines being promoted by leaders of the counterfeit Pentecostal Movement), disturbing the good seed of that revival.

In this podcast, you will learn the true meaning of biblical prosperity, which is: Father God, Son and Holy Spirit making their home in a believer’s life.

The counterfeit Pentecostal Movement has a symbiotic relationship with world governments and businesses. It is so rich and so influential. The counterfeit Pentecostal Movement’s promotion of greed, which appeals to the flesh, is so captivating that it has followers numbering in the hundreds of millions.

Pulpit messages are about prosperity and most people go to church with the expectation that their attendance and active participation will result in financial success and good health.

As you listen and recognize that you are one of the deceived, repent and invite Christ anew into your life.

From the day He died and the veil in the temple war-torn, the Lord Jesus Christ became the High Priest of the New Covenant and all who believe became priests with the privilege to enter the Holiest place of all: God’s presence.

and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever Amen (Rev 1:6 NRSV).

God has poured out His Spirit to all who believe. Why don’t you start by surrendering your all (life, etc) to Him and see if Father, Son and Spirit will not make their abode in you?

After God in His mercy visits you, please remember to help others escape also by pointing them to God and not to yourself. The enemy will surely come to try and manipulate you into thinking God’s presence in your life came as a result of your effort. He may also nudge you into trying to monetize your spiritual gifts.

Please do remember this warning: Flee from all selfish thoughts and never give in to the desires of the flesh.


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